ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor
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ACSM’s Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor

ACSM’s Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor is an essential resource for undergraduate exercise science programs, students in pre-professional programs, and those independently preparing for the ACSM Group Exercise Instructor (ACSM-GEI) certification. This updated edition is fully aligned with the eleventh edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription.  

ACSMs Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor

The second edition highlights the skills needed to effectively lead group exercise in gyms, studios, recreational facilities, and clubs and includes these features:

  • New enhanced organization presents content in context with related foundational sciences and professional practices.
  • Theory into Practice videos demonstrate group exercise in action; detailing safety and exercise selection, cueing, exercise modifications, and exercise progressions/regressions.
  • Take Caution! boxes alert to important safety or legal considerations.
  •  Ask the Pro boxes provide expert tips for effective practice.
  • Objectives and Chapter Summaries reinforce key concepts at a glance. 

The print edition of this title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos, allowing integrated online access to all content for the title. 

Student/individual online resources include: video clips highlighting appropriate assessments and exercises. 

Instructor resources include: Test and image banks. Instructors interested in adopting the new edition of this title can request more information here.

Coming soon: Updated PrepU

Purchase ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor here