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Our 2024 Annual Meeting will be at the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID on February 16th and 17th, 2024.

About Us

Welcome to the home page of the Northwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. The Northwest Chapter hosts an annual meeting every year between the months of February and April and is comprised of members primarily from five states: Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska. In 2023, the Alaska Chapter has merged to become a part of the Northwest Chapter.

ACSM Northwest is one of eleven regional chapters of the American College of Sports Medicine. The chapter conducts and assists with various public and professional programs, provides news articles for members, and publishes educational and research materials for professional use.

If you have any questions related to the Chapter, please direct them to the appropriate executive board member. If you have a general question, please contact and we will do our best to answer your questions or direct them to the appropriate board member.

ACSM Northwest Mission Statement-

It is the mission of the Northwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine to provide educational opportunities for professional development in exercise science and sports medicine and to be a resource for the general public regarding sports medicine and health and fitness issues.

ACSM Northwest Code of Conduct

Learn more about the ACSM Northwest Chapter!


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If you'd like to renew or become a new member of the ACSM Northwest chapter, please visit the Join Our Chapter page for more information and detailed instructions on how to join. Thank you for your interest!
