Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for 2025–2030

The SEACSM Executive Board is developing a Strategic Plan for 2025–2030. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to update our mission, vision, and values statements and develop goals and strategies that will guide the SEACSM Executive Board in the upcoming years. An additional purpose was to align our plan with the ACSM 2024–2027 Strategic Plan.

An ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee, with guidance and input from the Executive Board, has updated the SEACSM mission, vision, and values statements and developed five bold goals, each with several strategies to help achieve those goals.

Think of the bold goals as statements of intent which represent long-term achievements over multiple years. The bold goals answer the question “What do we want to achieve?
Strategies are action statements that clarify how we achieve our goals. The strategies answer the question “What are we going to do?

Download the SEACSM Strategic Plan 2025–2030

Thank you to those of you who provided feedback on the Strategic Plan! The Strategic Planning Committee will meet to review member feedback and make final edits before the Executive Board approves the Strategic Plan. We will share the new Strategic Plan at the Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting in February.

Then, the Strategic Planning Committee will develop tactics (the specific things we will do) and performance measures (specific, quantifiable, objective statements that defines what success looks like). We will continue to share our progress and seek feedback along the way.